Desire is the fuel for the fires of creation.

Desire is the fuel for the fires of creation.

How does your soul materialize? Your attention is amplified by the “burning desire” and a vibration shift was created so that a polarity was formed out of singularity. It takes a tremendous desire to pump up enough energy to split into two, from pure spirit into body and spirit.

The vibration shift lets your astral self split into energy/mater so it can experience itself in the physical world. Self wants to know who it is in every way possible. Without judgment the spirit asks endless questions like, “Who am I when I’m a tree, a bird, a fish, a person, a rock, an everything that could be?”

Those questions drive evolution because once a question is asked it is acknowledging a void of knowledge and that void, once seen, starts to attract the matching energy to complete or answer it. That attraction is expressed through desire in its purest form. Not obsessive, clingy, jealousy but pure desire, the energy of attraction.

Desire is the fuel for the fires of creation. A spark of desire if kindled with attention will create a burning desire that will attract whatever is needed to materialize what is desired.

Your life is caused by conscious and unconscious belief systems .They are broadcasting energy so that the whole universe is aware of what you are attracting and repelling. Yet, you and all of us are ultimately here to become aware/ notice/ transcend all the beliefs and bring our whole physical form into present time of being and becoming, enlightened, fully conscious and fully incarnated. Then our physical space will be totally spiritualized just like your astral body. When that dichotomy is fully resolved all reverts to singularity until another urge comes and starts a whole new cycle."
Rev Judy Tergis, Psychic Horizons


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